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- Sysops like to watch
- <<<<< Thanks, Sysops >>>>>
- I shot the sYSOP, but I should have shot the moderator
- Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be sysop's
- We'll have fun fun fun till the sysop takes the Echo away...
- "Bother!" said Pooh, and deleted his message base....
- "Bother," said Pooh, as he put the message in the wrong conference.
- "Brilliant... Genius... Best message of 1994!" * N.Y. Times
- "It's a unit of electric current", said Tom amply.
- "My upbringing is filled with inconsistent messages." - Calvin
- (A)bort (R)etry (K)nock it off, I read the *message*
- (huskily) Oh, yes! Scan me NOW! ºÞº³º³Û³ºÝ³ºÝ³³
- (This tagline may contain an encrypted satanic message)
- (Welcome back from the previous message!)
- - Chat Mode - SYSOP Here, You have 30 seconds!
- 2.0 VirusScan. Windows 3.1 found: Remove it? (Y/n).
- 4 of 5 Sysops prefer doughnuts. The 5th demands pizza.
- 85% of message is previously quoted text. Edit? <Yes/Hell no!>
- 99% of message is previously quoted text. Edit? <YES!/no>
- <Ctrl><Alt><Del> to read next message.
- <ÄÄÄ Grains Of Salt. Take As Needed With Above Message.>>> Continued to previous message
- >sniff< You didn't put a single tagline in your message. >sniff<
- >thud< "Message for you sir..."
- A day in the life of a bar code scanner: ³ºÞº³º³û³ºÝ³ºý³³ >BEEP<
- A fool and his money are sysop material.
- A good tagline is worth a 100 line message!
- A program is used to convert data into error messages.
- A sysop's favorite educational show - "Connections."
- Admit nothing, deny everything, blame the Sysop.
- All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.
- All right! Who's been turning my messages into taglines?
- All sysops are not user friendly!
- All taglines are currently busy. Please try again later.
- All taglines are currently busy... one will be with you shortly.
- All taglines lead to the end... of the message!
- An electrical engineer deals with current events.
- An electrician worries about current events.
- and I've got 4,567 archived messages to prove it.
- And in the news: Check out the next message.
- And now, the current score... Deep Space 9, Babylon 5.
- And thus ends another wit-filled message.
- Anencephallic user detected. Convert to sysop? <Y>es <N>o
- Another fine winner of the "Idiotic Off Topic Message" award.
- Another message from Andrea's deluded and demented mind.
- Another victim of trying to end these messages on time...
- Are you still here? The message is over. Shoo! Go away!
- As Sysop, I *CAN* say, "Computer, end program."
- Aww, Honey... Just one more message, honest...
- Bad or missing Sysop, free files in all areas.
- Bargain Tagline (no message).
- BBS = Busted, Broke, SysOp (Now You Know!)
- Become a sysop and never see the world!
- Bikini underwear: scanty panty.
- Bitten by a mutant computer bug, he turned into _SYSOP_!
- Blondes AND women AND nurses can be sysops, too!
- Brain cell currently disengaged ...
- Broadcast Message At 4:45pm Brain going down immediately.
- Brought to you by the Mother of all Messages.
- By the time this message gets back on topic, WE'LL ALL BE DEAD!
- Cal, you're playing the wrong message!
- Can you believe it? This message really does end?
- Can you teach an old SysOp new tricks?
- Captain, we are being scanned! ³ºÞº³º³Û³ºÝ³ºÝ³³
- Catscan - a hi-tech device for examining cats.
- Confirmed Message Junkie, First Class
- Confuse people - quote from the wrong message.
- Continued on the continuation on the contiguous message.
- Current Bald rate is 15 hairs Per Second.
- Current death rate: One per person.
- Current Protocol: None Selected.
- Currently 301ø something or other outside.
- DANGER! Off-topic messages! Danger!
- Decrease moderator unemployment: Post off-topic messages.
- Did you really understand that message?
- Did you _HONESTLY_ have to quote a 75-line message for a 2-line reply?
- Do I detect a note of panic in your messages?
- Do sexy electrons have current affairs?
- Does a sysop have to call himself to read his mail?
- Don't follow this message too closely!
- Don't just read the Tagline; read the MESSAGE!
- Don't look now Cal, but this message is over...
- Don't messages like that have to be signed, "The Moderator"?
- Drop your carrier or the sysop gets it!
- DURACELL.BAT arced. SysOp is shocked!
- End of message - stop reading.
- ERROR #0521: KITTY.CAT Virus Scan has exterminated the MOUSE driver.
- Error #0754: Cannot locate error message for ERROR #0392
- ERROR #2027: General Protection Fault. Do Not Go To Next Message.
- Ever meet a Sysop who would admit the problem was his?
- FATAL ERROR #1070: Sysop late for work.
- Fiction: It can't hold a scandal to biography.
- From the Sysop's dirty mind... err, desk.
- Guts: putting "SYSOP" in your twit filter.
- Hard Drive Crash... Sysop Strikes a Directory Tree.
- Heard that the sysop likes to watch porno@#$&&@#$ NO CARRIER
- History is a continuing series of current events.
- Hug your sysop daily, send him candy on his birthday.
- I am SysOp, hear me roar, with modems too fast to ignore.
- I want to reach your mind - where is it currently located
- I was arbitrarily and capriciously locked out by the sysop!
- I'm a figment of my sysop's imagination (and pocketbook)!
- I'm currently resting my mind, in preparation for my big breakdown.
- If money talks, Being a SysOp is pretty quiet.
- If Sysop doesn't answer first page, use ALT-H for a second attempt.
- Is a recent power outage a current event?
- It's inherited. My son-in-law was a SysOP, too.
- JABBA - CBIP: Current Book In Progress
- Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea.
- Mail found: praise sysop!
- Multitaskers do it everywhere: Concurrently!
- My Data action figure says I shouldn't worry, he scanned me & I'm okay.
- My epitaph: Sysop not buried here. Leave feedback instead?
- MY Sysop lets me say things like ÛÛÛ C E N S O R E D ÛÛÛ
- NO New Mail. Leave threatening message for SysOp? (Y/n)
- None of you exists, my sysop types all this in!
- ODOSCAN.EXE: keeps the Quarks off of your hard drive.
- OFF-line mail makes sysops happy.
- Okay Sysops - Next week, we'll learn how to play the kazoo...
- Page your sysop at 3:00am and learn new words.
- Pirated tagline. Contact the author, then the cops and sysop.
- Please report all lost or stolen taglines to your Sysop.
- Policy does not imply that sanity is a Sysop requirement.
- Raising pet electric eels is gaining a lot of current popularity...
- REAL Sysops disconnect the Speaker!
- Reality depends on the book I am currently reading.
- Remember - you don't have to be smart to be a SysOp.
- Remember to thank your SYSOP on occasion!
- Remember: Somewhere, somehow - a Sysop is watching you.
- Replace your sex drive with a disk drive: become a sysop!
- Run Time Error 485728403 ...SysOp Obviously Crazy.
- SASS - Sysops Against Stupid Signatures.
- Sorry... all *.TAG files are currently being edited.
- Sorry... Currently Experiencing TREKnical Difficulties...
- Support your sysop... Send your paycheck.
- SWF, blonde bombshell, seeks man now. NO SYSOPS!
- Sysop Justification No.1: Because I'm the Sysop; that's why!
- SysOp not available. This is an OFF-LINE mail reader, dummy.
- Sysop requesting chat. Press Alt-H for chat mode.
- SYSOP stands for Sent Your Spouse Obscene Pictures
- Sysop trying to page you, go to Main Menu & press <G>!
- Sysop! Your BBS gave me a "Printer out of paper" error!
- SysOp: (n) One who constantly reconfigures.
- Sysoping makes you fat.
- Sysoping: More fun than being beaten with a sledgehammer.
- Sysops are guilty of baudy behavior.
- Take a Sysop to lunch, he's probably broke.
- Temporary sysop access granted!
- Thank God for SysOps! But why do they DO IT?
- The sound of a SysOp reading mail: <cr><cr><cr><cr><cr>
- The Sysop has granted you unlimited download privleeches.
- The Sysop of MY board is better than yours!
- This communication link monitored by your Sysop.
- This Tagline is currently out of order.
- Will you still respect me after we scan? ³ºÞº³º³Û³ºÝ³ºÝ³³
- Your sister dates a sysop! Nyaah-nyaah.